September 2022 South Sound Fruit Society Meeting

SSFS Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022, 7-9 pm, via Zoom. 

(Join us at 6:30 pm for casual time and questions.)

I hope you’ll join SSFS for our September 6th meeting (via Zoom) where the main topic will be: Your questions (and/or success stories) about the fruit you’re growing.

Other topics for this meeting include:

  • Annual SSFS Election of Board Officers and Members
    We will be accepting nominations for all officer positions:  President, Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, and Board Members at Large. Nominations may be made from the floor at the meeting. If you’re interested but can’t make this meeting, please send us a message about your interest to .

Join Zoom Meeting  pwd=U2xJc0plazkvZ0hRRDYwU2N5b2I3QT09
Meeting ID: 853 3723 5307 Passcode: 941205 
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