South Sound Fruit Society’s October 2023 Meeting

SSFS’s next meeting, Tuesday, October 3rd, 7 pm, will be held in person at GRuB and via Zoom.

We hope you will join us for the presentation “Gardening with Blueberries” from long time blueberry grower Glenn Aldrich, of Aldrich Berry Farm and Nursery, in Mossy Rock, WA.

From Glenn:  “My earliest exposure to blueberries would have been about 1943 or ’42.  Helped my dad, in a small way, to plant the first commercial blueberries in Lewis County in 1944. Those original plants came from Eberhardt Nursery on Steamboat Island Road and they are still in production.   I helped on the farm all through high school & college years and Wisten & I began our ownership in 1964.  We have experience with a dozen or two varieties, soil preparation, planting, pruning, weeds, insects & other pests, harvest…the ‘whole works’ and will share what I think I know, including my conclusions about varieties for home gardens vs commercial plantings.”

LocationGRuB (Garden-Raised Bounty)  
2016 Elliott Ave NW                  
Olympia, WA 98502

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 1969 5064 Passcode: 242180

Please consider bringing a snack to share and bring questions about your fruit. I hope you can join us!
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