South Sound Fruit Society is a chapter of the Western Cascade Fruit Society .
SSFS is dedicated to research, education, enjoyment, and sustainable propagation of fruits, nuts and berries. SSFS promotes growing of unusual fruit in the Olympia region that is not being grown by commercial growers.
Join the South Sound Fruit Society
Membership costs $20 per year for a family membership. Membership dues start in January and run until January of the following year.
Membership Includes:
Access to members only events such as:
- Hands on pruning and grafting workshops
- Trips to local orchards, nurseries and berry farms.
- An e-mail subscription to the quarterly publication “The Bee Line”
- Western Cascade Fruit Society On-Line Forum
Location for monthly SSFS meetings
held the first Tuesday of the month from 7p-9p
Currently conducted via Zoom
Past meetings have included :
- Local Soils and How to Amend Them
- Grape Growing
- Grafting Fruit Trees
- Organic Orchard Management
- Underappreciated Fruits
- Orchard Pests and Insect Traps
- Summer Pruning
- Blueberry Pruning
- Espalliers and Belgian Fences
- Tools: Selection and Maintenance
- Apple Pressing and Making Hard Cider
- Mycorrhizal Interaction with Fruit tree Roots
- Strawberries
- Plums
- Native Berries
- Pollinators and Mason Bees
- Rootstocks
- Historic Orchards
- Growing Nuts
- Apple Identification
If you have a ideas for future SSFS talks, events, or want to bring our attention to something great in the area, please let us know either through the SSFS email address or our Facebook page. We love hearing from you!
The SSFS has a board and officers elected yearly. One representative sits on the WCFS board.
Western Cascade Fruit Society
The Society was formed to bring together people who will promote the science, cultivation and pleasure of growing fruit bearing trees, shrubs, vines and berry plants in the home landscape and for the purposes of providing the public with the knowledge and ability to cultivate their own fruit-bearing trees, shrubs, vines, and berries, encouraging and supporting formation of local chapters in geographical areas of Western Washington. WCFS disseminates information to its members and the general public through fruit shows, orchard tours, meetings, seminars, workshops, publications and other forms of media, and giving financial and other support to fruit research organizations.
The Western Cascade Fruit Society is made up of chapters throughout Western Washington whose members are aspiring hobby orchardists and backyard fruit growers. They enjoy growing fruit bearing trees, shrubs and vines around their homes in the Puget Sound area. The Society encourages novice fruit growers in their selection and cultivating of fruit varieties that grow well in this region.
Media Our Facebook page is
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