Topic: South Sound Fruit Society’s Zoom Meeting: Chestnuts and Many Trees
Time: Oct. 4, 2022, 7:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
(Join us at 6:30 pm for social time and questions.)
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Meeting ID: 872 0176 5131
Passcode: 675959
Topic: South Sound Fruit Society’s Zoom Meeting: Chestnuts and Many Trees
Time: Oct. 4, 2022, 7:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
(Join us at 6:30 pm for social time and questions.)
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Meeting ID: 872 0176 5131
Passcode: 675959
SSFS Meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2022, 7-9 pm, via Zoom.
(Join us at 6:30 pm for casual time and questions.)
I hope you’ll join SSFS for our September 6th meeting (via Zoom) where the main topic will be: Your questions (and/or success stories) about the fruit you’re growing.
Other topics for this meeting include:
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Sound Fruit Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Summer Pruning Time: Aug 2, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) (Join us at 6:30 pm for social time and questions.) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 827 3777 8172 Passcode: 608213 |
Making Apple Cider and Apple Cider Vinegar
Brian Williams and Francesca Ritson will cover the basics of making Apple Cider and Cider vinegar.
South Sound Fruit Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: South Sound Fruit Society’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Jun 7, 2022 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Passcode: 469151
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Meeting ID: 849 3587 5463
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Save the date for our next SSFS meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, May 3, 2022:
6:30 pm – Zoom opens for social and sharing time
7:00 pm – Meeting begins with short business/board meeting
7:15 pm – Presentation about our Native Bees from David Jennings
Time: May 3, 2022 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 860 6922 2987
Passcode: 879443
We are pleased to host this talk about the importance of our native bees and the part they play in pollinating fruit and other crops in western Washington, and how we can be good neighbors with our bees. This conversation will cover an overview of native bees and other pollinators; what pollination is and how it happens.
Bumble bees are a great gateway into our native bees and other pollinators. We will focus on our local bumble bees (charismatic megafauna of our pollinator community) as a starting place on the learning path to our local native pollinators. This will include a quick “how to ID” session for our local bumble bee species, conservation discussion and opportunities for supporting our pollinators.
Learn them, respect them, protect them!
Building a Codling Moth Trap, Tuesday March 1st at 7: pm.
SSFS is very pleased to have Peg Amandes demonstrate how toBuild a Codling Moth trap.
She builds them out of easily available material and uses a pheromone lure as an attractant. This trap is specific to Codling Moths.
Most of us have Codling moths, a destructive insect that leaves a burrow in the apple and frass on the exterior. The classic worm in the apple. Pheromone lures have been used with success by Peg and several other members of Western Cascade (our parent club).
Peg is a longtime member and has previously talked on various subjects including maple syrup production from our native Big Leaf maples, fruit preservation techniques, and deterring birds from eating strawberries. Always on the vanguard of what’s happening!
South Sound Fruit Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: South Sound Fruit Society Monthly Meeting: March 1, 2022
Time: Mar 1, 2022 06:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 814 5675 4050
Passcode: 073550
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Our next Zoom meeting is February 2nd, at 7 pm and is about “Growing Raspberries in PNW Home Gardens.”
Washington State is a leader in red raspberry production. Backyard gardeners can also enjoy raspberry growing in Washington State. This presentation will give an overview of red raspberry and key consideration for small-scale production in the home garden.
Lisa Wasko-DeVetter is an Associate Professor of Horticulture at Washington State University. Her program focuses on maximizing productivity, fruit quality, and on-farm efficiencies while ensuring the health of adjacent natural resources critical for small fruit crop production in the Pacific Northwest. Crops that she works with include red raspberry, blueberry, and strawberry.
Topic: South Sound Fruit Society – Monthly Meeting February 2, 2021
Time: Feb 2, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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January 5th at 7 pm, Daron Williams, the Community Conservation Manager at Capitol Land Trust.
Daron will be speaking about How to Prepare your Gardens and Orchards for Climate Change
Climate chaos is upon us. Droughts are becoming more common. And when the rains come, they come in torrents. How do you help your plants thrive in the face of so much vulnerability and disruption? Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to make your plants more resilient to climate change. In this discussion, Daron will talk about how climate change is expected to impact our region and offer key steps you can take to help your gardens and orchards thrive amidst the storms of the future.
Daron Williams is a restoration ecologist, lifelong gardener, and founder of Wild Homesteading. He created Wild Homesteading to help people enjoy wildlife, grow food, and help heal our living world. He has managed the restoration program for a local non-profit, and he applies principles of restoration and permaculture on his own property, transforming degraded pasture land into forests, wetlands, hedgerows, food forests, and permaculture gardens. He holds a Master of Environmental Studies degree from The Evergreen State College and an Associate of Applied Science degree in water resources. He loves sharing the joy of growing food with his two children.
South Sound Fruit Society is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: South Sound Fruit Society – Monthly Meeting January 5, 2021
Time: Jan 5, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 842 5887 2390
Passcode: 496739
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
Meeting ID: 842 5887 2390
Passcode: 496739
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Hi all,
We will reconvene on December 1stat 7 pm.
Chris & Guy from the Many Trees Project will speak about the history and social and ecological roles of nut trees as food sources, carbon sinks, and key elements in biodiverse habitats. From the ancient chestnut forests of Italy to the coppiced hazelnut forests of the British Isles to the oak savannas of North America, nut trees have long been a sustainable and renewable source of food and material. We’ll touch on nut forests in history, on current efforts in North America and elsewhere to experiment with large scale perennial tree crops to replace fossil fuel-intensive monoculture, and about the chestnut trees that we are currently distributing throughout the Puget Sound area with the aim of increasing biodiversity and food security. We’ll end with some notes on chestnut propagation, care, and further resources.
Many Trees is offering the seedlings to individuals to plant on their property through an application form on his web site. The website talks about other trees the project is starting and how you can participate. The project is facilitating planting hundreds of fruit and nut trees in Olympia to develop abundant and regenerative food sources for a changing climate, -for more information on this group look up the Many Trees Project.They have 1-year-old chestnut seedlings available now!
The philosophy behind the project includes global climate change mitigation by growing trees for food and carbon sequestration. Fruit and nut trees can live for hundreds of years, providing healthy local food, biodiversity, clean water, carbon sequestration and shade in a climate-changed world. By planting fruit and nut trees and sharing plant propagation and grafting skills, the project is helping to create a community resilient to whatever climate change may bring.
Here’s the Zoom link for the December 1st meeting:
Meeting ID: 894 4791 4579
Passcode: 782164