The meeting on Dec. 5, 2017 began at 7:20 pm; there were 12 people in attendance.
Minutes were read and approved.
There were no financial minutes available.
Brian led discussions on tapping maple trees after a question from Glen.
Brian then asked about Ian Stoner’s health situation. Peg brought folks up to date. Brian then passed a card around for people to sign.
He also discussed a gift certificate he had gotten to thank Sandy Moore for all the work she had done.
A tentative schedule for Feb. was discussed about pollinators. He asked Glen if his wife would be willling to give that presentation. Glen then agreed that he would be willing to give a kiwi pruning demonstration. Glen then suggested we help out GRUB with all the pruning and garden needs. Brian said he’d be willing to contact GRUB and perhaps set up a schedule to do this.
The March meeting will be the grafting workshop.
There will be no meeting in January.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m. followed by a potluck meal and a round-table introduction of ourselves and our home fruit set ups.